Results will be released tomorrow
I'm very worried about my results
hopefully won't fail any subject
think will not fail ba...
i must have confidence in myself
i aim distiction for my company law
but that fucker lecturer
give me lower marks for my coursework
30/50 leh
wa cao eh!
fucking pissed with him lo!
i'm sorry, pls allow me to use foul language here
i'm bloody pissed off now
if really can't get distinction then
i hope at least can get a credit
the other subjects
FA4, Taxation and PLT
Hope can get at least a credit too
for each subjects
pray for me
i'm in sg still
will not going back to take my results on time
i'm very nervous
by the way
may all my friends can get good results too!
All the best ya!
ur result wil depend hw much the effort u dun worry too much.i blieve u can..
Hahas.. Not only depends on effort, but depends on lucks at time.. 'If you think you can, you can!' definitely can get a good result..i'll wait for ur good news ya..
Attn to both cy: Hahas! Thanks for your support sister! 承你贵言!
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